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The Kłodzko Land – museums and places to be visited

The Phillumeny Museum, Mały Rynek 1, tel. 74 811 06 37, www.muzeum.filumenistyka.pl.
Opening hours: Tuesday to Saturday 8.00-16.00, Sunday 10.00 - 15.00, on Mondays the museum is closed.
Tickets: full-price 5 zlotys, special price 4 zlotys.
The museum exhibition consists of objects used in order to kindle a fire, such as matches, fuse, benzine, gas, electric, chemical lighters, metal and rock flints, as well as match boxes and labels from all over the world. It is possible to participate in museum classes.

The Paper Industry Museum, ul. Kłodzka 42, tel. 74 8669 248, www.muzpap.pl.
Opening hours: May - October: Monday - Saturday 9.00-17.00, Sunday 9.00-15.00, November - April: Tuesday - Sunday 9.00-15.00.
Tickets: full-price 9 zlotys, special price 6 zlotys.
One can learn about the history of paper and the paper industry in Poland and in the world. One of the themes of the permanent exhibition is the paper technique and technology at the time of machine paper production, and writing materials of the time before the invention of paper. The greatest attraction of the museum is the presentation of the production of hand-made paper following the traditional medieval techniques. It is possible to participate in museum classes.

The Museum of the Kłodzko Land, ul. Łukasiewicza 4, tel. 74 867 35 70, www.muzuem.klodzko.pl.
Opening hours: Tuesday - Friday 10.00-16.00 (from 01 May to 31 October until 17.00), Saturday and Sunday 11.00-17.00, on Mondays the museum is closed.
Tickets: full-price 6 zlotys, special price 4 zlotys.
The museum exhibits are placed in unique stylish interiors. They include tin products of pewter smiths from the Kłodzko Region and Silesia, clocks of the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries popular in Silesia, as well as modern artistic glass products from the Kłodzko Land.

The Kłodzko Fortress, ul. Grodzisko 1, tel. 74 867 34 68.
Opening hours: May - October, daily 9.00-19.00, in the remaining months: 9.00-16.00.
Tickets: the fortress: full-price 7 zlotys, special price 5 zlotys; the fortress and labyrinths – full-price 14 zlotys, special price 10 zlotys.
In the fortress, there is an exhibition related to the castle history, an exhibition room dedicated to World War II prisoners, a museum of the martyrdom of the Finns, a sculpture lapidarium, an artistic glass exhibition and old fire extinguishing equipment. A part of the miners' heading labyrinth of approximately 1 km has been opened for visitors (entrance in groups with a guide).

The Ethnographic Museum of the Sudety Folk Culture, ul. Pstrążna 14, tel. 74 866 28 43, www.skansen.kudowa.pl.
Opening hours: daily, except Mondays, 10.00-16.00
Tickets: full-price 6 zlotys, special price 4 zlotys, a ticket for a class in the mystery of bread: 10 zlotys.
The permanent exhibition consists of historic buildings of wooden folk architecture of the Sudety foothills, with household equipment and furniture of the 18th, 19th and early 20th centuries. Bread is baked here following old recipes.

The Museum of Toys "A Fairy Tale", ul. Zdrojowa 46b, tel. 74 866 49 70, www.kudowa.zdroj.pl/bajka.
Opening hours: October - April, daily 10.00-16.00, May - September 9.00-16.00.
Tickets: full-price 6 zlotys, special price 4 zlotys.
In the two-storey building, on the area of 300 m2 several thousand various toys from all over the world have been collected. They are made of wood, clay, porcelain, cast iron, sheet metal, tin, etc. Most of the exhibits date back to the 19th and 20th centuries. The oldest exhibit is several thousand years old. There is also the famous Colargol Bear among the exhibits.

The Trail of Vanishing Trades, ul. Chrobrego 16, tel. 74 8655 512, www.kudowa.zdroj.pl/wiatrak.
Tickets: full-price 8 zlotys, special price 5 zlotys.
The museum exhibition consists of a potter's workshop, a bread bakery, a windmill, a needlework house and a blacksmith's shop. In all of these places, there are historic tools used in the past. Visitors can learn about the process of pottery making, bread baking, or horseshoe forging. There is also a mini-zoo with many game and bird species in the museum area.

The Frog Museum, ul. Słoneczna 31, www.pngs.pulsar.net.pl/muzeum.
Opening hours: Monday - Friday 9.00-17.00, Saturday and Sunday 9.00-13.00.
Tickets: free entry.
The museum exhibits comprise about 3000 objects related to frogs from 20 countries of the world, both everyday articles and jewellery. Close to the museum, there is an educational path dedicated to amphibians.

The Underground Mining Museum, ul. Obozowa 4, tel. 74 872 79 11, www.kopalnia-muzeum.pl.
Opening hours: open daily March - June 9.00-17.00, July - August 9.00-18.00, September - February 9.00-16.00.
Visitors can enter the underground excavations 700 m long, in which they can see a variety of mining techniques and equipment. They can take an original miners' cableway for a part of the trail. It is also possible to visit the dispatch office which used to be the management centre of the mine. In the ground-based part of the museum visitors can admire unique shaft furnaces and hoist towers.

The Minerals Museum, ul. Obozowa 4, tel. 74 872 79 11, www.redbor.pl.
Opening hours: daily 9.00-17.00.
Tickets: free entry.
2700 exhibits and almost 800 minerals have been collected in the museum. They comprise minerals from all over the world, precious stones, rocks, fossils, inclusions in amber (e.g. insects trapped in amber) and meteorites.

Professor Wittig's House, ul. Słupiecka 42, tel. 74 873 37 05.
Opening hours: Tuesday - Sunday 10.00-17.00.
Tickets: full-price 2 zlotys, special price 1 zloty.
The museum is dedicated to the memory of Professor Joseph Wittig - a theologian, poet, bard of the Kłodzko Land and author of the Nowa Ruda and Słupiec Chronicles. The building houses two exhibition rooms with a biographical exhibition and a faithfully reconstructed (on the basis of old photographs) old interior in which the Professor used to live and work.

The Missionary and Ethnographic Museum, ul. Reymonta 1 (Sokołówka), tel. 74 868 13 17.
Opening hours: daily 8.30-16.00.
Tickets: voluntary contributions
The exhibition in this small museum consists of ethnographic collections brought by the missionaries, members of the Congregation of the Priests of the Sacred Heart. Among the 1000 exhibits, there are clothes, ornaments, musical instruments, sculptures and everyday objects. A shark's jaw is a real pearl in the museum. The objects in the museum come from such distant places as Peru, the Congo, Tahiti, and the Easter Island. While visiting the museum, one can listen to lectures and watch slide shows from exotic countries.

An open-air museum and a mini-ZOO, Wambierzyce, ul. Wiejska 52, tel. 74 871 91 84, www.gory.info.pl/skansen.
Opening hours: daily from 8.00 until dusk.
Tickets: full-price 4 zlotys, special price 2 zlotys.
The museum houses several thousand various exhibits mainly dating back to the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries. They comprise everyday objects, household equipment and devotional items. It is possible to see an old blacksmith's workshop, a carpenter's and shoemaker's workshop, as well as a fragment of a miner's heading there.

A closed uranium mine, Kletno, tel. 601 889 243, 74 814 13 79.
Opening hours: May - September 9.00-17.00, October - April 9.00-16.30.
Tickets: full-price 8 zlotys, special price 6 zlotys.
The underground trail includes a fragment of the headings of the almost 40-kilometre long excavations. In the post-war period, uranium ore was excavated in the mine for the Soviet Union.

The Museum of the Earth in Kletno, tel. 074 814 08 28.
Opening hours: Tuesday - Sunday 9.00-18.00.
Tickets: full-price 5 zlotys, special price 3 zlotys.
The museum is filled with stones, minerals and fossils. The most precious exhibit is the fossilised dinosaur nest with eggs in it, and dinosaur tracks from the Świętokrzyskie Mountains. There are also other fossilised fauna and flora species dating back 250 million years.

The Bear Cave, Kletno 18, tel. 74 814 12 50, www.jaskinia.pl.
Opening hours: the cave is open from February to the end of November, daily, apart from Mondays and Thursdays. May - August 9.00-16.40, the remaining months 10.00-17.40.
Tickets: in March 12 zlotys full price and 8 zlotys special price, in July and August 19 zlotys full price and 14 zlotys special price, in the remaining months 17 zlotys full price and 12 zlotys special price.
It is the largest cave in the Sudety Mountains and one of the deepest in Poland. It was discovered in 1966 and in 1983 it was opened for tourists. The specific micro-climate in the cave (the temperature is 6oC and air humidity is close to 100%) was favourable to the appearance of breath taking travertine formations, such as stalactites, stalagmites, drapery and curtains, sinter basins, etc. Visitors can also admire a bat sanctuary and skeletons of pre-historic animals, such as a cave lion and bear.

The Sudety Crystal Factory, ul. Leśna 3, tel. 74 8657 318, www.hssudety.com.pl.
Tickets: full-price 5 zlotys, special price 3 zlotys. An additional fee of 10 zlotys for a guide.
In the factory, we can watch the process of production of crystal wonders, from glass smelting to polishing. In one of the factory halls a gallery was opened in which it is possible to see and purchase crystals manufactured in Szczytna.

Gold Mining and Metallurgy Museum, ul. Złota 7, tel. 74 817 55 08, www.kopalniazlota.pl.
Opening hours: open daily, in the summer season (01.04-31.10) 9.00 to 18.00, from 1.11 to 31.03 - 9.00 to 16.00.
Tickets: full-price 15 zlotys, special price 12 zlotys.
The several hundred year old gold mine is a real treat. We can see there old mining maps, the equipment used by miners and steel workers in the past, an exhibition of miners' lamps, a muffle furnace and a laboratory furnace in which gold was melted, a treasury with 1066 bars of gold, and the Heading of Death to which miners suspected of gold stealing and sentenced to death used to be sent. The underground tunnels offer additional attractions, such as underground sailing in a boat for 15 people, a ride on the Underground Orange Tram and the only in Poland underground 10-metre waterfall. You can try your hand at gold rinsing and individual penetration of some tunnels. A peculiar Museum of Warnings, Remarks and Appeals with a collection of OHS plates, as well as a Museum of Minerals housing 1300 exhibits were also opened in the mine.

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Panorama Ziemi Kłodzkiej