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The Kłodzko Land – downhill skiing
Czarna góra

Zieleniec is one of the best known ski stations in Poland. The consequence of its unique climate and the northern inclination is that snow remains here for about 150 days in the year. The ski station offers more than 20 ski lifts (including 3 chairlifts) and slopes of a diversified level of difficulty. Lighting has been installed near some of the lifts, which allows night skiing. Some of the pistes are equipped with a snowmaking system. Numerous ski schools, services and rental facilities are active here. In Zieleniec, halfpipes have been prepared for snowboarders and babylifts for the youngest skiers. Detailed information at: www.zieleniec.pl

Czarna Góra - 10 lifts, including 3 chairlifts, and almost 10 km of pistes wait for skiers and snowboarders here. Two very difficult pistes, one of which is almost 1700 m long, lead from the longest 2-person chairlift. In the lower parts of Czarna Góra, there are pistes for less advanced skiers as well as a system of platter lifts which allows skiers to use all of the pistes without having to take off the skis. The five pistes of Czarna Góra are equipped with a modern snowmaking system, and some of them have also lighting. A ski carousel has been prepared for children. There are several ski and snowboard equipment rental facilities in the centre and a snow park. Detailed information at: www.czarnagora.pl

Podgórze - Podgórze near Duszniki offers two ski lifts of respectively 450m and 760 m. A lighting and snowmaking system has been installed at the shorter lift. The other one offers three pistes (the longest of them is 1500 m long).

Łężyce - in the village located 5 km from Duszniki one can use the lift near the "Śnieżynka" [Snowflake] boarding house. The piste, 400 m long, is not technically difficult, snow-groomed and lit.

Kudowa Zdrój - on the slopes of the Świński Grzbiet [Swine's Back] located approximately 1 km from the town centre (at the road to Jakubowice), the Winter Sports Valley can be found. The centre offers a lift of 200 m, with a piste of 450 m. Nearby, there is the "Snow Wheel" lift, 100 m long. One can go downhill a piste (300 m long) on special rubber tubes. Detailed information at: www.dolinasportowzimowych.pl

Spalona - in the village located 10 km from Bystrzyca ski lovers will find one platter lift, 300 m long. The lift has a lighting system. It is possible to rent the ski equipment here. In Spalona, there is usually snow from the second half of November to the second half of March.

Międzygórze - skiers can use two platter lifts, 300 m long. The first one is on the Łysa Góra [The Bald Mountain]; the other - on Jawornica. There is a lighting system which allows skiers to ski at night. There is also a ski rental facility.

Rudawa - the village is located 15 km away from Bystrzyca. There is usually snow from the second half of November to the first half of April there. Ski lovers will find a lift here, with a mild piste of 600 m.

Lądek Zdrój - The Lądek Zdrój ski station consists of two ski lifts located on the northern slopes of Trojak. The 600 m long drag lift serves 1200 persons per hour; the 400-m long platter lift can transport 700 skiers per hour. One of the pistes has a lighting system. There is a ski rental facility at the station. Detailed information at: www.narty.ladek.pl

Nowy Gieratów - in the village located 7 km from Stronie Śląskie there is a platter lift of 440 m. The piste is intended for intermediate skiers. It has a lighting system, there is a ski school and ski service there.

Nowa Morawa - the village located 7 km to the south-east of Stronie Śląskie offers a platter lift of 410 m. This easy piste is good for beginners. The slope has a lighting system, there is a ski school and ski rental facility there. Detailed information at: www.nowamorawa.pl.tl

Bielice - 13 km away from Stronie Śląskie there is a drag lift of 460 m. It has four pistes of diversified levels of difficulty. The station has a lighting system, there is a ski school, a ski service and ski rental facility there. Details at: www.art-ski.wroc.pl

Kamienica - located 7.5 km to the south of Stronie Śląskie. It offers 5 lifts. The pistes have a snowmaking system, and two of the longest pistes - a lighting system. There is a ski school at the station. Detailed information at: www.snkamienica.pl

Sokolec-Rzeczka - located about 17 km from Nowa Ruda, the ski station offers several pistes of diversified levels of difficulty and length (up to 600 m). It is intended both for beginners and well experienced skiers. Some of the slopes have a lighting and snowmaking system. One can rent skis, use the ski service or an instructor's service at the station.

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12 marca 2025
Imieniny obchodzą:
Alojzy, Bernard, Grzegorz, Justyna, Józefina

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Panorama Ziemi Kłodzkiej