The Kłodzko Land – Climbing

For those who find mountain walking too monotonous, we have another proposal. Rock climbing is a sport requiring skills, strength and mutual trust of all participants. In the Kłodzko Land there are many perfect places for those who practice this sport. Those who want to start will need: a rope, a climbing harness, special shoes and a large amount of good will.
As long as the weather permits, why look for adventures on artificial walls? Numerous sandstone, limestone, pudding stone and granite rocks are waiting for climbers in the Kłodzko Land.
Virtually everyone can practice climbing. However, if you try this sport for the first time, you should use the services of professional climbing schools. They can be found in Kudowa and Lądek.
The basic climbing equipment is: a climbing harness, a rope, a protection device, several carabiners and quickdraws and special shoes with a narrow upper part and a smooth sole. You can buy such equipment for about 900 zlotys.
In the Kłodzko Land there are many climbing trails. Most of them are in the Table Mountains, on the Czech side of Szczeliniec Wielki. On the Polish side, we can climb on the trails in the National Park of the Table Mountains on Szczeliniec Wielki, Narożnik, Kopa Śmierci, Pod Starym Biwakiem, Filary Skalne, Białe Ściany and Radkowskie Baszty (a map of the climbing trails is available at: in the tab: Tourism / Climbing A day spent on the climbing trail of the National Park will cost 10 zlotys.
In Szczytna, in the Szczytnik Mountains, we can climb for free. There are several easy trails, good in particular for beginners. The area near Lądek also abounds in many interesting climbing places. In the gneiss rocks on the Trojak as well as in the Table Rocks near Stójków 80 climbing trails have been marked out.
It is also possible to practice climbing near Stary Gierałtów in the Bialskie Mountains (Three Sisters on the northern slope of Łysica). On the Czech side of the Table Mountains, there is the climbers' paradise of Adršpašskoteplicke skály. Uphill we go!
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