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The Kłodzko Land – cross-country skiing

The Kłodzko Land offers numerous biathlon routes to all fans of active recreation. In many places, interesting routes for practicing this sport discipline have been marked out. The most famous ones are in Jamrozowa Polana near Duszniki.

In the Polish Biathlon Centre Jamrozowa Polana, 12.5 km of cross-country routes with very interesting configuration have been marked out. They are highly valued by Polish and foreign biathletes who train on the Jamrozowa Polana before their participation in the World Cup. Tomasz Sikora, the Olympic vice-champion in biathlon, speaks about the Duszniki routes very highly. There is also a shooting range in the Polish Biathlon Centre. In the summer, the Jamrozowa asphalt routes are good for roller blading or roller skiing; in winter, the appropriate snow cover is provided by a special snowmaking system. Detailed information at: www.jamrozowa.pl

Two cross-country routes are in the National Park of the Table Mountains. The longer is about 26 km long. It starts in Karłów, and runs through Pasterka, Skalne Grzyby, Batorówek, and then back to Karłów. The map of cross-country routes in the National Park of the Table Mountains is available at: www.pngs.pulsar.net.pl in the tab: Tourism / Skiing

Also near Stronie Śląskie one can practice cross-country skiing. Two routes are worth recommending there. The first one is more than 7.5 km long, the other is 10.4 km long. They both start and end in Kletno.

Cross-country skiing routes have also been marked out near Lądek, Bystrzyca (Spalona) and Czarna Góra. A detailed description of the routes can be found at: www.naszesudety.pl

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12 marca 2025
Imieniny obchodzą:
Alojzy, Bernard, Grzegorz, Justyna, Józefina

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Panorama Ziemi Kłodzkiej